Hip Joint Surgeries

Hip Joint Surgeries

Hip joint replacement is surgical removal of a painful hip joint with arthritis and replaces it with an artificial joint often made from metal and plastic components. It usually is done when all other treatment options have failed to provide adequate pain relief. The procedure should relieve a painful hip joint, making walking easier. Arthritis. Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are among the most common causes of hip pain, especially in older adults. Arthritis leads to inflammation of the hip joint and the breakdown of the cartilage that cushions your hip bones. The pain gradually gets worse. People with arthritis also fee stiffness and have reduced range of motion in the hip. Hip fractures. With age, the bones can become weak and brittle. Weakened bones are more likely to break during a fall. Hip joint replacements are performed where either only the ball or both the ball and socket are replaced. AVN (Avascular Necrosis of Hip). It can happen in young people with loss of femoral ball architecture leading to severe pain. In early stages, hip joint preserving surgery is recommended like vascularised fibular graft and in late stages a hip replacement surgery is recommended.

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